A New Name Search

A good name goes a long way. I never found it easy naming my children or the church I started or even my nonprofit. My local church fellowship is currently looking to change their name. The following list is intended mostly for humor and most of the humor will be lost if you don't go to church there. But nonetheless, I had fun with it and hope you get a chuckle or two yourself.
Here are a few suggestions inspired by the following link...http://www.geocities.com/changes1611/humorouschurchnames1.html
- Church on Fire Fellowship
- Fire Starters Training Center (we would need to beef up our fire-policy for fear of attracting pyromaniacs)
- Montopolis Church on Fire (Hey I kinda like this one)
- 41 Fellowship (our logo could be two hands flashing 4 and 1) from 78741
- 41 FOR GOD
- Eastside 41 Fellowship
- Preachersville Church (since we got so many preachers in the house)
- No Tares Here Fellowship Church
- Sand and Stickers Church (need I explain)
- Section Eight Fellowship (that's just wrong but it is an actual church)
- Loco for Jesus Fellowship
- Wolves Not Welcome Assembly of Sheep
- Instead of The LORD'S Vineyard perhaps...The LORD'S Goodwine, The LORD'S Red Wine, Rum Creek Fellowship, Margaritaville Family Church
- Paula's Apostolic Church
- Paula's Plant
- Apostle Junction
- Tribe of Christ
- "The Plant of Renown, Inc." (Eze. 34:29)
Here is a little more legitimate site for traditional Biblical Church names http://www.delusionresistance.org/christian/namesofthechurch.html OR http://www.yourjourney.org/CustomerImages/1740-1189/Files/176_Selecting%20A%20New%20Church%20Name.pdf