Closet Christians Beware
A Christian Teacher Suspended after Complaining that a Staff Training Day was used to 'Promote' Homosexual Rights
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These types of discrimination against Christians will begin to increase as we "see the Day approaching." To stand up for Truth is to stand out from the world. The reason we don't see more persecution and suffering for the cause of Christ is because the only observable difference between a typical Christian and a sinner is the Christian goes to church...and that isn't always the case either. When was the last time you suffered for standing for Truth? The day of the closet Christian is fast coming to an end. Count the cost. But be reminded, we are but transients upon this earth. Our life but is but a vapor, here today, gone tomorrow. He who loses his life for My sake finds it. What matters is a life poured out for the Master's use and when the last drop is spent we will meet Him face to face! Now go out and get in some "trouble"!
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These types of discrimination against Christians will begin to increase as we "see the Day approaching." To stand up for Truth is to stand out from the world. The reason we don't see more persecution and suffering for the cause of Christ is because the only observable difference between a typical Christian and a sinner is the Christian goes to church...and that isn't always the case either. When was the last time you suffered for standing for Truth? The day of the closet Christian is fast coming to an end. Count the cost. But be reminded, we are but transients upon this earth. Our life but is but a vapor, here today, gone tomorrow. He who loses his life for My sake finds it. What matters is a life poured out for the Master's use and when the last drop is spent we will meet Him face to face! Now go out and get in some "trouble"!