Merry Resurrection Sunday!

The most significant event in the history of human kind is not the invention of the wheel, or harnessing electricity, or landing man on the moon, the computer, not even the creation of the Twinkie, but the single greatest event and demonstration of power that affected every person that ever lived on earth is the resurrection of Jesus Christ the Messiah.  The world loves Christmas and can tolerate a birth but don't let the lack of attention and focus on Easter fool you.  The world does not embrace Easter as it does Christmas because Easter highlights a modern times impossibility- a man returning from the dead.  The implications of this truth and historically reliable fact enrage the unrepentant sinner and gives the forgiven saint hope and reason to celebrate.

During this Resurrection week take time to ponder and meditate on the last week of the life of Christ on earth.   Do more than attend church on Sunday and have an Easter egg hunt for the children.  Just as we often read to our family the Christmas story leading up to the 25th of December, how much more should we read the Passion, the last recorded testimony of Jesus leading up to his crucifixion, death and return to life.  Just as you have family traditions surrounding Christmas so too create family traditions around Easter.  Open your Bible to Mark and read chapters 14,15,16 together.   Buy a loaf of bread and bottle of grape juice and serve your family communion, do this in remembrance of Him.

There is a grave error to emphasize the birth of Christ over the resurrection. To focus on his birth and life is to be reminded God is with us.  A powerful and comforting truth! but that is not enough to save, it is not even half of the Gospel story.  The greater revelation is he is not a baby anymore he is the risen Savior, Righteous KIng, conqueror of death, hell and the grave whose blood purchased for us eternal life and who now  sits at the right hand of Father God, ever interceding on our behalf.  Be intentional this Easter season and capture the Spirit of the resurrection and embrace the reality that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you.  (Rom 8:11)

Merry Resurrection Sunday!


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