Do you Know the Truth?

"Truth is so obscured nowadays..."
This statement by Blaise Pascal penned in the 1600's rings truer today than ever before. So many are not lovers of truth, but rather themselves, and therefore, without the illumination of the Holy Spirit are blind to the truth, unable to see it although it is plain before them. Much like the religious enemies of Christ. Although the Son of God, the Messiah, Truth personified in the flesh, was standing right in front of them, they did not recognize him, for their hearts were proud and they loved their religion, their philosophies and status more than God.
Do you love the truth, or are you content to scuffle through life in the dim light of ignorance? The world needs Lovers of Truth, they need Jesus, who was and is the way, the TRUTH, and the life. Are you prepared to share the Truth with someone today?