Seven Cautions Concerning the Roe v Wade Reversal Controversy

 Seven Cautions Concerning the Roe v Wade Reversal Controversy

I have been patiently observing the general response following the landmark Supreme Court 6-3 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade after 50 years.   I've scanned the headlines to The New York Times (liberal), The Washington Times (conservative), and The Associated Press (neutral generally)-- I have subscriptions to each of these newspapers and get them in my email inbox every morning.  I prefer to go get my news rather than have Facebook or Twitter selectively send me what they think is important for me to see.  I also have been reading the posts Facebook has decided for me.  My overriding thought is, as a Christian, what should be my response?  How should I be thinking about this?  What should I be doing?  

The following seven cautions are my initial thoughts on the matter. They may be frustratingly brief, but I'm not writing a book and need to start somewhere. Although there is so much more to be said, they are a start, and  I believe they are vital areas Christians must be aware of and consider as we roe through the choppy waters and wade through the swamp of public opinion.  Forgive my play on words, I just had to.

First, I refuse to get pulled into debates and arguments via FB and social media outlets. It's a waste of everyone's time and energy. Besides, the FB algorithms will likely send this post to people who already think alike, or significantly restrict its scope. And think about it, when is the last time a Facebook post from a stranger or distant FB friend changed your mind? 

Second, my hope and confidence for true and lasting change in our culture is grounded in God's Kingdom, not a Supreme Court ruling or government laws and legislation. It can be easy to get caught up in what has government done for me lately, and lose sight of God's Kingdom agenda.  God can and does raise up "Daniels" to positions of governmental authority and we should know who they are and pray for them.  

Third, overturning Roe v Wade didn't outlaw abortion at the federal level, it returned it to the state level. This NYTimes quote captures it: "The ruling promptly shifted the political fight over abortion to the state level. That was, Alito wrote, one of the court’s aims: “The authority to regulate abortion must be returned to the people and their elected representatives.” Perhaps just as important as the ruling is the role and power of the federal government. 

Fourth, an extreme focus on access to prenatal care and adoption options must follow. Care for life must continue from the womb to the tomb. 

Fifth, pro-life advocates must resist the urge for excessive public celebrations. There are no referees to throw a penalty flag at you, so caution on the side of restraint.  There is no need to add extra offense to the very people you hope to influence. Don't forget the end game.  

Sixth, don't make this a "You're not a Christian if you support abortion" judgment. Be gentle and respect others and their convictions/beliefs/stands even if they are opposite of yours. See 1 Peter 3:15 and James 3:13. To respect another's beliefs doesn't mean you condone and support, it means you love, value and give dignity to them as people loved by God and who we are commanded to love as God loves them too.  Just because you think very little of their opinion doesn't mean you should think little of them.  This is tough, especially since people in today's political climate and expression of ideas do exactly that.  You will be treated as ignorant and less than and treated as such.  Don't think like the world thinks. 

Seventh, if the Roe v Wade controversy is a big deal to you, spend twice as much time praying to God about it as you do posting and debating. Don't glance over this one. The change and impact God wants you to have on this issue will be greatest as you pour out your heart to God in private--not public statements and posts.

It's imperative all Christians make decisions from a Biblical worldview.  Before we can be confident on any matter, we must find out what God thinks about it.  If He is Creator of the universe, then He has the final say, He owns us and everything we use. He is also the perfection of goodness and righteousness, so He is the final authority and standard, the ruler by which we measure what is moral and right behavior.

God has given us the Bible to show us His plan for mankind, His thoughts on matters that are important for living, and most importantly, how we can experience peace and fellowship with Him through salvation in His Son, Jesus.  On the matter of abortion, He has not been silent.  If you are uncertain or unclear on what God thinks about the life of the unborn do your homework. Get out your Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your study, and read the following Bible examples:  Jeremiah 1:4-5; Psalms 139:13-16; and Luke 1:39-44.  There's one more Bible example that specifically addresses the value God places on the unborn, Exodus 21:22-25.  

Living by the standards of God requires supernatural strength, you can't do it by yourself.  We all need the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth.  Godly living will put you in the minority. It will create friction with the world and even other believers!  Don't compromise.  Be diligent to present yourself approved to God.  Submit yourself to God and resist the lies of the enemy.  Hold fast to that which is good.  

If you want additional guidance on what the Bible says about life in the womb I suggest you start here: 


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