Paddle Humor for Survivors of the Swat, Switch, Spank, A Whuppin, Belt, or the Paddle
The paddle. Also known as the "Foolishness Remover" or "Rod of Correction" and feared by many a child now in their 40's and 50's. Its ancient Middle Eastern origins go back at least 4,000 years and parents have had that much time to craft it to perfection.
Parents also had strategies to intensify the punishment. The most effective being employed by the mother. No child after an infraction wanted to hear the dreaded threat "Wait till your father gets home." Spankings were always preferred to be mother-inflicted (although there are exceptions) and not the first thing a father had to deal with when he got home after a long day at work. Many a promise and good deeds were done by children waiting for their father to get home. Mothers knew this too and maximized it accordingly.
Sometimes the paddle wasn't available and here is where the creativity and resourcefulness of the parent shined. The go-to for the father was usually his belt. The mother might grab a large spoon-ladle, roll up an extra thick Good Housekeeping magazine, or if nothing could be grabbed, pull off her slipper or flat. The most unlucky child was foolish outdoors and near a willow tree or a fence line with small saplings. What were they thinking? Know your surroundings and behave accordingly.
Then at some point in time, the children became the adults and thought it better to retire the rod and replace it with time-out. And I think that explains a lot about all the extra foolishness we still see in adults today. It wasn't driven far from them by a switch-swinging, paddle-packing parent.