I Got a Piercing Once.
I got a piercing once. I stepped barefoot with my heel on the back of an earring post hiding on the floor of my bathroom. It waited until I felt the pressure/pain and then with the vengeful passion of a betrayed lover stabbed through the thickest skin on my body. And there I had it, an uninvited heel piercing. A metal thumbtack would have been painful too, but it's sharp and surgical, an earring post is dull and barbaric. And it also took much more effort to pull out than I was happy about. I swear it flared spikes upon entry. I have my daughter, Makenzie Rojas, to thank for my only piercing.
Nothing spiritual or inspirational in this post. Just an attempt at light-hearted humor at my own expense. Well, I can try,
Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones heel piercing drieth up the merry.