Effeminate Christians , Tattoo-Sleeved Lip-Pierced Creationists, and Evangelical Evolutionists

I teach an Apologetics course at a local Bible School and have spent some time on the Science versus Creationism controversy. Last week at Half Price Book Store I found some reference books on the subject and as I was checking out I asked the tattoo-sleeved, lip-pierced male checker if he believed in evolution. He responded, “No, I believe in Creationism and a literal six days as recorded in Genesis.” I was ashamedly surprised. I had judged him without consciously even thinking about it. He was knowledgeable, articulate and unashamed in his response. 
Later in the week I went to a “Thank God for Evolution” seminar at a Unity Church. It was being held in celebration of Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday. I had to hear firsthand what God had to do with evolution. For two hours I labored through a chopping of the Gospel and an attempt to stitch evolution and the Bible pieces together in Mary Shelly, Frankenstein-like fashion. At his conclusion I half-expected lightning to strike and the speaker to exclaim, “It’s alive!” It was frightening to hear an audience of around one-hundred church people clap vigorously in resounding praise of the evangelical evolution illustrated monster once he had finished. The idea of evolution offends me…the idea that God uses evolution provokes me to anger. 
 Today I met a friend at an upscale hairstyling salon in North Austin, afterwards we were going to have coffee. I took a book, “Scientific Creationism” to read while I waited. Her hairstylist displayed very feminine qualities as he talked and cut my friend’s hair. After he was done and we were leaving he introduced himself to me and asked what I was reading. I told him and asked if he believed in evolution. His response was, “No, I am a Christian. I don’t believe in evolution.” Again, I had pre-judged and was doubly surprised, doubly ashamed. 
 I don’t believe humans, or any species for that matter, evolved from a more primitive species or life as we know it started from spontaneous generation birthed in some primordial soup or that before that our basic elements were created from stardust from a galaxy far, far away. It’s a bunch of anti-God rhetoric to explain the existence of man without the need for a Creator. It’s another branch from the Lie Tree planted by Satan going all the way back to Eve justifying man’s prideful heart-his initial sin nature that is repulsed by the idea he has to give allegiance and answer to a higher power other than himself. My Creationism/Science journey has opened my eyes to my own judgementalism. You could say it’s time my attitudes evolve, grow some legs and crawl out of the sea of self-righteousness.


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