I hate you Donald Trump!

Recently a friend on Facebook expressed their thoughts with the phrase, "I hate you Donald Trump!"  This person is a loving parent, devoted spouse and committed Christian.  Their comment attracted a lot of "Yea, me too!" and I replied, "Pray for him!".  Now if you think I'm a Trump supporter simply because I didn't join the bandwagon and said to pray for him, you're very wrong.  I said the same thing to those who blasted Obama when he was president.  You see, the Bible is very clear on this, 

1Timothy 2:1-4 NASB  First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men,  (2)  for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.  (3)  This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,  (4)  who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Now it doesn't say to pray for those who we like, or of good character and generally good people.  Now we should pray for those kind too, but where you really begin to see the character come out is how we act and talk toward those we despise and loathe, two adjectives that many people, Christians included, like to attach to our current President. 

Too often I see too many God-fearing believers spending all their energy and venom on complaining, lambasting, and sharing biased media articles that support their own political agendas rather than encouraging the masses to pray for our president.  That's the godly and dignified way to respond (1 Tim 2:2).  

If we really want to affect change at the presidential level it's not likely writing a letter to the president is gonna do much.  I'm sure he gets weekly truckloads of mail with half the letters praising him and half wishing him dead.  It seems there's not much middle ground.  Try rallying together a political action campaign, either for or against per your inclinations, and the overall outcome will be marginal at best.  

So what can you do to guarantee the best amount of positive influence on President Trump?  Pray for him!  The changes this country needs, the changes President Trump needs, the changes you need will only happen when we get in alignment with the will of God for our actions as it relates to our governing officials and fervently pray for them. 

But sadly, I see many more slinging mud and spewing hate speech, and I'm just talking about Christians!  Take the comment made by my Christian friend, "I hate you Donald Trump!" Now that sounds like hate speed to me.  Can't get more plain and simple as that.  Later that person shared with me in a private message that it was said because they were having a real bad day, some close people had disappointed them the post was just venting frustration.  How were the disappointments vented?  "I hate you Donald Trump!"  All the  pent-up anger was aimed at Donald Trump, instead of saying "I hate you Devil!" They are not alone in this, I'm afraid.  The Bible talks about this kind of behavior too,

Ephesians 6:12 NASB  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Our fight is  not with Donald Trump, or your boss, or your spouse, or who ever you are in conflict with, your struggle, your fight is a spiritual conflict.  The devil wants you to think it's a person. Donald Trump is evil incarnate!  Really?  No, but that's what the devil wants you to believe, because then you'll use up all your energy fighting him and have nothing left to fight your real enemy, the devil.  If half of those who call themselves Christians would spend half as much time praying and interceding for him think about the change that would happen?  

How can you pray for the President?  Pray for his salvation.  Pray for God to rise up righteous people in positions of authority that have the ability to speak truth and reason into his ears.  If God can use a donkey to speak wisdom then he can use Trump too!  Pray for God to turn this nation around, for repentance to fall upon the land, that we return to a nation In God We Trust. 

So now it seems what Obama was to the Right, now Trump is to the Left. We are on a political seesaw and these extremes will bring America to its knees; hopefully to its knees in repentance and not overthrow or invasion. That's why the Bible commands us to pray for our governmental leaders--especially if we don't want to! Especially if we consider them an enemy! Especially if they cause you suffering! 

Let's be the light church! Stop spreading the hate. 

We need more God focus and less Gov focus. Gov is not God. We must remove Gov as an idol and downgrade it to gov. Know whose Kingdom you belong too!  We're just sojourners, green card carriers with Heaven as our home country. Too many believers are sipping the secular media Antichrist bias that government is the answer. When God is dethroned then Gov takes the Throne. 

You got so much hate for Trump you can't even think straight? Remember, God raised up wicked evil King Nebuchadnezzar to discipline his chosen Israelites and if He desires He can do the same to America. Where are the Daniels, Shadrack, Meshach and Abednegos? Where are the righteous who refuse to bow down and compromise but still serve and support and be a part of the solution?


Unknown said…
Amen! Thank you Pastor Matt for making that so very clear. Sometimes, as Christians, we forget it is, who we are fighting. I know I've been guilty of that from time to time. Thank you again, for your post Pastor Matt and thank you Jesus for the knowledge you continue to pass to us...

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