New Testament 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge 2019

Join me January 14th as we read through the New Testament in chronological order over a 90 day Bible reading plan.  The plan we will be following is by Ron Rhodes, author of the book 90 Days Through the New Testament in Chronological Order.  This book is available for purchase at Calvary Worship Center at a significant discount of only $7.  I have preordered 20 books, first come first go.  Or you can order it from Amazon (click here) for $14.59.

In Ron Rhodes excellent book, here is what you'll find in each chapter:
--An introduction to each book of the Bible
--An overview of the Scripture reading for that day
--The Big Picture, or big idea covered in the daily reading
--Insights on difficult verses are briefly explained
--Major themes are summarized
--Cross-references for further study are given
--Personal life-lessons with application
--Key verses to memorize
--Questions for reflection and discussion
--A  brief devotional prayer based on the daily reading

Here is the Bible reading plan we will be following based on Ron Rhodes book.  Print it out and use it to monitor your progress.  Click the following link:  90 Day Bible Reading Plan

Are you ready to take the 90 day Challenge?  Sign-up here


1.)  Orientation meeting Wednesday, January 9th at Calvary Worship Center @ 7:00 PM

At this meeting, I will have the Ron Rhodes book available for purchase for $7.  I will also give an overview and orientation for how to maximize your success in completing the 90 day challenge.  You will receive reading tips and strategies as well as an overview of the book.

2.)  Facebook Live videos

Three times a week (Monday 8:00PM, Wednesday 8:00AM , Friday8:00 PM) I will encourage you with a Facebook live video covering material for that day.
My facebook is

3.)  New Testament Survey Seminar, Saturday, February 23rd

Approximately halfway through the reading challenge we will have an intense 3 hour (9-noon) New Testament survey full immersion classroom style seminar.  This seminar will cover the historical and cultural background and authorship of each of the 27 books of the New Testament.  We'll also cover topics like how did we get the New Testament?  How come the Catholic Bible has more books?  What version of the Bible is best?  How do I purchase a Bible?  More information to follow soon.

4.)  The Bible Reading challenge begins Monday, January 14th, and ends Sunday, April 14th.


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