God's Love Isn't the First Thing He Wants You to Know About Him

Do you know God created angelic creatures for His Throne to declare continually and forever HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (Isa 6:3 & Rev 4:8). You might be surprised He didn't create them to cry LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Marinate on that awhile. The first and foremost quality and characteristic of God that He wants you to know first before all others is that He is Holy. 
How do you unpack Holiness? You don't because you can't. God must unpack it for you, little by little so He doesn't destroy you by it-literally. It's that dangerous to us, that big a deal. His Holiness is so potent He has to shield the fullness of it from us so He doesn't kill us. That's why He covered the mountain in a cloud when He came down to meet Moses.
God is holy in that He is beautiful beyond description, superior in all things and without equal, transcendent in every way that is perfect and good. He is set apart from all of creation and the ultimate standard of Righteousness and Truth.
You will never grasp the depth of His love until you first have a revelation of His Holiness. It's His Holiness that removes all ideas of self-righteousness and creates an infinite chasm of helplessness between us and Him. It's His Holiness that violently shatters our notions of goodness and infinitely expands His perfection and beauty beyond any hope of comparison. Until you know that, you'll never know how far and to what extent God loved you to bridge the gap, remove the wall of separation, and reconcile you unto Himself. Do you want to experience more of God's love? Then ask Him for a greater revelation of His Holiness.


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