The Mysteries of the Kingdom are for You!

Matthew 13:11  Jesus answered them, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted."

You tell your secrets to your closest friends, to those who have earned your trust.  You don't shout it to them in a crowded room either.  Jesus is the same way with his secrets, his mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.  They are reserved for those who have pressed in  to his presence, who have been faithful through adversity and obedient when they didn't understand.

What are the mysteries of the kingdom?  and why are they important to know?  The mysteries of the kingdom are the supernatural ways God rules and reigns in the earth, and specifically in our life. They are the inner workings of King Jesus and his realm manifested in the world.

The kingdom of heaven is more real than any kingdom or nation on earth. Would you agree there is no greater reality, or truth, than the person of God?  God is the exact representation of Truth, of reality.  If that is true, and we believe it to be so, then the Bible says God is spirit (John 4:24), or supernatural.  Then logically the supernatural is more closer to Truth and reality than the natural.

Unfortunately, the religion of the world, science, states there is no such thing as supernatural.  Science outright denies the existence of spirit, or supernatural.  In affect, science sees the shadow and declares that is reality, there is nothing more, yet the shadow is a mere byproduct of a greater reality.

If the supernatural is closer to reality than the natural then it is imperative we know and understand the laws and principles and realities of the supernatural world, not just around us but within us.  To understand the supernatural laws that govern the universe you need to go to the Source, God and His Word.   By better knowing God and his revelation of the kingdom of heaven the better equipped we will be to live for him and in his kingdom.  It's not enough to know the laws of the United States of America, you need to know the laws and conditions of a greater kingdom, the kingdom of Heaven.

God doesn't want you to be ignorant of his ways, nor the ways of the kingdom. He has reserved those mysteries for those who know him and pursue him above all else.  The mysteries of the kingdom are for you!  But you must contend for them and search them out.  Proverbs 25:2 says,  "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter."  It's time you begin to search out the matter of the kingdom!


Unknown said…
Those who have eyes, let them see. Those that have ears, let them hear.

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