A Spiritual Disciplines Course Available to You


There's a mystery about spiritual disciplines; they don't get us to heaven but they can sure bring heaven closer to earth.  They also don't make us holy, only God can impart holiness, but they are the avenues by which God imparts His grace to make us holy.  Of the seven disciplines covered in this class, it is either directly observed or clearly inferred that Jesus practiced all of them but one.  Which one do you think He may not have practiced?

Every great man or woman of God was a student of the spiritual disciplines. For you to have the intimacy with Christ and to accomplish all He has appointed you to do for the Kingdom, you too must become a student of the disciplines.  There is no short cut.    Desire is not enough.  Deciding to and setting goals isn't enough.  Will power alone won't get you there either.  But by God's grace and you will grow!  

My prayer for you is that this class will inspire in you a more genuine and authentic relationship with Christ by helping you develop and practice the disciplines that increase the flow of God's grace and power in your life. 


The Spiritual Disciplines is an online 10-week video course beginning January 19th, 2021 that covers 7 habits (disciplines) essential for spiritual growth:  Prayer, Fasting, Meditation, Bible Study, Scripture Memory, Solitude, and Journaling.  

  • Google Classroom will be used to access the course documents and videos, to upload assignments, and as a place to foster student interaction.  Google Classroom can be accessed through a computer or on a phone through a free Google Classroom App.  

  • Every Tuesday teaching videos will be added to Google Classroom that covers a particular habit and gives instructions for that week's assignments.  

  • Once a month students will have the option (highly encouraged) to participate in a Saturday workshop.  The workshops are an intense two-hour interactive teaching format using lecture, guided practice, and peer to peer instruction.  
    Saturday Workshops are at Calvary Worship Center on SAT 1/23, 2/20, 3/20 from 1:00-3:00 PM.  


The greatest value of the course can be summed up in 2 primary objectives:

  • To increase the effectiveness and power of spiritual disciplines through the study of best practices, strategies, techniques, tools, and resources of each discipline under study.

  • To create and implement an action plan to make the spiritual disciplines a part of the daily lifestyle and life-long journey of the believer. 


If you want to know more or are ready to sign up, here is the Google Classroom invitation link:  https://classroom.google.com/c/MjU1MzE3OTM1MjIw?cjc=l37v4dq  

Once you sign up select the Classwork tab at the top and under the Course Information you'll see the Spiritual Discipline Syllabus.  The syllabus will give you all the information you need for a successful start.  

I'll close with the Apostle Paul's desires for the saints in Colossae.  I pray them over your life as well as you pursue the upward calling in Christ Jesus.

Colossians 1:9-10

And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;


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