DAY FIVE-Chap 9 & 10 Engaging the Bible: 10 Days Through The Gospel of John.


You've made it halfway through reading the Gospel of John in only 10 days!

Chapter 9

Miracle 6 of 7 is found in this chapter. The chapter opens up with a question by his disciples about a man born blind from birth, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?" (9:2) Notice Jesus' answer in verse 3.  His disability was not a preemptive punishment of God for his future sins (after his birth) or for the past sins of his parents. It was so that "the works of God might be displayed in him." (9:3)  In our discomforts and disabilities do not consider them punishments from God but opportunities for God to display his power!

Chapter 10
"I AM"s 3 and four of 7 are found in this chapter.  Chapter 10 of John is one of my favorite chapters of John and even in the Bible.  Jesus teaches us that he is the Good Shepherd and what that means for us. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep (10:11).  That is a subtle foreshadowing of his eventual death.  I am often reminded to read Psalm 23 when I read John 10.  


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