DAY THREE-Chap 5 & 6 Engaging the Bible: 10 Days Through The Gospel of John.
Chapter 5
Miracle 3 of 7 is in this chapter. In this chapter we get the first lengthy teaching/response of Jesus to the Jews who were already seeking to kill him. He was making it clear he was more than a prophet, he was equal with the Father and had the witnesses of John the Baptist (33-35), his miracles (36), the Father (37-38), and Scripture (39-47) to prove it.
Chapter 6
Miracles 4 and 5 of 7 are in this chapter. There is also the first of seven "I AM" statements: I am the Bread of Life (35,41,48,51). Just as John included seven miracles he also included seven "I AM" statements. These speak to his identity as the Son of God.
Beginning in verse 26 Jesus responds to the crowds who were following him because he fed the 5,000. Often you think a sermon is to draw a crowd. But here Jesus is doing just the opposite. He is intentionally offending them and forcing them to come to terms with his claim that he has come from heaven to accomplish the will of his father. The result? Many of his disciples left him. (66) Highlight and ponder Peter's response. (68-69)